About me

Welcome to Youqi Li’s homepage!

I am an assistant professor (master supervisor) at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology. I received a B.S. from the School of Computer Science and Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science and Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Fan Li. I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the School of Cyberspace Science and Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology, working with Prof. Liehuang Zhu and Prof. Fan Li.

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in problems/scenarios: crowdsourcing/crowdsensing, federated learning, incentive mechanism, bandit and AI security. I focus on theoretical research using tools including optimization and machine/deep learning.

I’m always looking for highly motivated master students, undergraduate students and research interns with strong technical backgrounds to work together in these areas. If you are interested, please send an email with your CV and transcripts attached.


Email: liyouqi [at] bit.edu.cn

I would kindly suggest you read the Advice for Prospective Research Students by Prof. David Evans before writing the email.